The world's tire mold manufacturing power China?

Created on:2024-03-06

With the increase of China's automobile production and ownership, the tire market has developed rapidly, which has also rapidly led to the vigorous development of China's tire mold manufacturing industry. Under the environment of global rubber overcapacity, the reduction of rubber prices has provided a driving force for the development of the tire and tire mold industry. How long will China wait for the world's largest tire mold manufacturing country?


The world's tire mold manufacturing power China?


Recently, the "2014-2018 China Tire Mold Industry In-depth Research and Prospect Forecast Report" released by Shangpu Consulting pointed out: In the international market, the trend of multinational companies purchasing molds in China is still developing, and the development of international emerging markets is also promising. Looking at the development trend at home and abroad, China's tire mold manufacturing industry has a broad development space and will surely become a major producer of tire molds in the world.


It is reported that in 2013, the prosperity of China's tire mold industry rebounded, with annual sales of about 3.565 billion billion yuan, an increase of 18.44 percent over the same period last year, mainly due to the sharp decline in rubber prices in 2013. Domestic tire enterprises have planned to build and expand tire projects, driving the growth of demand for tire molds. Judging from the profitability of key enterprises, in 2013, the sales revenue of China's major tire mold enterprises increased at different rates. Among them, as the leader in the tire mold industry, Haomai Technology has performed well. In 2013, the company's tire mold sales revenue achieved 1.057 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 57.11; followed by Julin, the company's tire mold sales revenue in 2013 was 0.468 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 14.04%. The development of the tire mold industry and the development of the tire industry are closely linked, with the increase of automobile production and ownership, the tire market for its matching and replacement will maintain a rapid growth trend, and the tire mold manufacturing industry will also usher in a good opportunity for development.


Authoritative sources, the world tire manufacturing center is shifting to the Asian market led by China, and the center of gravity of the world's rubber machinery and tire molds is also shifting to China.