The city's non-public enterprise party organization secretary to our company to guide the party building work

Created on:2024-03-06

Recently, Chief Yang Shuai of the Organization Department of Huangshi Municipal Party Committee Organization Department organized more than 100 party organization secretaries of non-public enterprises in the city to visit Guangdong NewTech Transportation Technology Co., Ltd. to visit the party building work. Wang Zhaoxiang, director of the Party Committee Office of Guangdong NewTech Transportation Technology Co., Ltd., warmly received them.

(Picture: The party organization secretary of a non-public enterprise is visiting the party building cultural position in the exhibition hall of the party building activity room on the third floor of the administrative office building)


In the party building conference room, Wang Zhaoxiang, director of the party building office, reported the work results of the party branch to Yang Shuai, chief of the organization department of Huangshi municipal party Committee organization department, and was highly appraised and fully affirmed by all leaders. he highly praised our company for integrating new vigor and vitality into the operation and development of the enterprise and promoting the healthy development of the party building work in the enterprise.

(Figure: Non-public Party Organization Secretary Visits Tire Products in Product Display Area on First Floor)

(Figure: Party organization secretary of non-public enterprises is watching and learning the publicity column of Party building activities in production workshops)


Then walked to the all-steel vulcanization workshop and the engineering tire forming and calendering workshop, and visited the party member demonstration post, the party member responsibility area, the party member commando team and the party building propaganda culture in the workshop. under the leadership of Lu wenhui, director of the all-steel sulfur workshop, they explained to you the production process of the vulcanization workshop and the characteristics of the party building work in the branch, and everyone also had a deeper understanding of the production of the tire products.

(Figure: Lu Wenhui, Director of All-Steel Sulfur Workshop, Explains Tire Production Process)


Visit, Chief Yang Shuai of the Organization Department of the Huangshi Municipal Party Committee Organization Department hoped that our company would continue to develop in depth in the party building work, relying on "strong party building and strong development" to vigorously promote the "Top Ten Action Branches". Huangshi City Organization Department will continue to vigorously support and place high hopes on the company's party building to lead the high-quality development of the enterprise, and hope to continue to maintain the pace of high-quality development of the enterprise and effectively promote the development of harmonious society.