Common sense of car tire maintenance that we often ignore

Created on:2024-03-06

Is directly related to the health and safety of the people in the vehicle. Because accidents caused by tire failure account for a large proportion of traffic accidents, it is necessary to ensure driving safety to do a good job in daily inspection and maintenance of tires and timely repair and replacement of tires.


Car tire use maintenance matters needing attention


1. How often does the car tire pressure check?


check tire pressure, including spare tires, at least once a month or before each long trip. When checking the tire pressure, it should be carried out under the cold tire state, that is, it should be checked after parking for at least three hours. If necessary, the tire pressure should be supplemented to the pressure specified on the car sign. Because the reading of cold tires is the most accurate, you should drive to the nearest inflation point as much as possible. Do not deflate or depressurize hot tires. It is normal that the tire pressure is higher than the recommended cold inflation pressure after the tire heats up due to driving. If you lower the tire pressure of the hot tire, the tire pressure will not be enough after cooling.


In addition, check the tire pressure with a high-quality barometer, and don't trust your eyes too much. You cannot judge from the appearance whether the inflation pressure of the tire is correct.

2, How to know should replace the tire?


If the tire "wear indicator" in the groove indicates that the groove depth is less than 1.6mm, it is recommended to replace the tire. The tire wear indicator is the protrusion in the groove. When the tread wears to 1.6mm, it will be flush with the tread. You can't read it wrong.


If you use a tire with a groove depth of less than 1.6mm, there will be a sudden loss of traction and braking force in rainy days, and the possibility of no traction in snowy days. If you can replace the tire before it wears to 1.6mm, there should be no above problem. In snowy areas, it is also wise to replace tires before they have worn to this limit. In deeper snow, the tread surface should have the ability to compact and throw out the snow.


3, Tire eccentric wear should be timely four-wheel positioning


Wear is called unilateral wear, which is generally caused by poor wheel alignment, which causes excessive camber or inclination of the wheel. This requires four-wheel alignment correction to eliminate tires caused by poor four-wheel alignment. Partial wear.


After eccentric wear of the tires, if you continue to drive, it will cause abnormal vibration of the vehicle and affect the handling performance of the vehicle. If the four-wheel alignment is not carried out in time, the tires that are worn out will soon be scrapped due to severe local wear.


4. How to deal with a flat tire:


If the rear tire punctures, the car will tilt towards the side of the tire. At this time, you need to: hold the steering wheel tightly; try to keep the car driving straight. A sharp turn can cause the vehicle to lose control or roll over; do not step on the clutch and accelerator pedal; Slowly step on the brake pedal (do not brake suddenly, otherwise it will cause the car to spin or roll over); drive the car to a safe place on the side of the road;


When replacing tires on the side of the road, pay attention: park the car at a safe place on the side of the road and turn on the hazard signal; put the gear to first gear (the automatic transmission car is in the P position), and pull up the hand brake.